Based on data compiled and studied by John Loannidis of Stanford University, Elsevier and SciTech Strategies, and published in the highly respected journal PLOS Biology last week, three UoH faculty figure in the global top 200 researchers in their respective fields: MNV Prasad, of the School of Life Sciences is ranked 116th in the field of Environmental Sciences, Ashwini Nangia of the School of Chemistry, ranked 124th in the field of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, and Pramod K Nayar of the Department of English ranked 189th, in the field of Literary Studies.


      MNV Prasad                                      Ashwini Nangia                           Pramod K Nayar

UoH also has a spectacular presence in this dataset of “Subject-wise ranking of top 2% Scientists from India (all fields)” from the published paper. In addition to the above three, here is the list of UoH’s super-achievers from authors indexed in the Stanford project’s findings:


S.N. Kaul : Applied Physics                             Alok Singh : Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing




Vineet Nair : Artificial Intelligence &                              Ashok Chatterjee: General Physics

Image Processing



D. Basavaiah : Organic Chemistry                               K.D. Sen : Chemical Physics




Periasamy : Organic Chemistry                                       Anunay Samanta: Chemical Physics



Samudranil Pal : Inorganic and                                           Venugopal Rao : Optoelectronics & Photonics

Nuclear Chemistry



Narayana Rao : Optoelectronics & Photonics              Goverdhan Mehta : Organic Chemistry


             A.S. Raghavendra : Plant Biology and Botany

The paper’s data also shows the citation percentage for the above faculty, based on SCOPUS databased publications.

UoH clearly demonstrates excellence across multiple disciplines as can be seen from this data, with concentrations of high-impact work in Computer & Information Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences and English (in the last instance, UoH boasts the only Indian academic (Pramod K Nayar)in the world’s top 200).

UoH congratulates our faculty for bringing laurels to the University.

Several former UoH Faculty, such as ED Jemmis and Gautam Desiraju, are also on this list of fabulous researchers.

Prof Appa Rao Podile, Vice Chancellor, greeted the faculty for their wonderful achievements in research and publications. He said:  “we are performing extremely well in research across several disciplines, as proved yet again by this study in PLOS Biology. I believe that these outstanding researchers will inspire others and our overall performance will improve rapidly.

We are also proud of distinguished former faculty who retain their regard and affection for UoH”.
