The situational comedy titled “A Perfect Relationship” was performed today (2nd August, 2013) at the University of Hyderabad UoH in the DST Auditorium. The play originally written by Mr. Doric Wilson has been brought to Hyderabad by the US Consulate General based in the city. This play which is being performed through Cathaayatra, community awareness with theatre and arts based in Chandigarh, New Delhi and Goa. This play which is designed and directed by Mr. Sameer Thakur is an interesting situational comedy seasoned with many twists, errors, heartbreaks, depicting the modern day issues of gender and its related problems.
Wonderful performances by the artists comprising of Mayura, Rahul, Rohit, Saharssh and Saurabh kept the audience glued to their seats till the end. The play ended to a thunderous applause from the students, faculty, staff of the University and many who came from outside.
The artists were felicitated by the University for their excellent performance. This play has been premiered at the University of Hyderabad and two more performances will take place on Sunday 4th August 2013 at Ravindra Bharati and on Tuesday 6th August 2013 at the Indian School of Business (ISB).