Dear All,
As you all know, the current raging Covid19 pandemic has been claiming precious lives all over the world, and India in particular, where there has been a steady rise in the positive cases over the past few weeks, resulting in shortage of oxygen, shortage of hospital beds/ventilators, medicines, etc.
I earnestly urge everyone on the campus to shun complacency and stay alert to the protocols suggested by the Government and the University, from time to time, in order to take care of yourself, which translates into securing the lives of others as well. Please mandatorily wear a mask or two over each other, depending on your vulnerability, observe safe distance and keep your hands sanitized from time to time.
I would also like to share with you that the situation on the campus has now reached an alarming proportion with around 100 positive cases, and also took the life of one of our staff members. It is in this scenario, the stakeholders are strongly advised to be extra attentive to the grave dangers this pandemic could throw up.
In order to ensure the Covid19 protocols to be strictly adhered to by all, before it reaches a dangerous proposition, the Office of the Chief Security Officer has been authorized to report on the individuals/groups flouting them, if necessary by clicking a picture. Any stakeholder can promptly take a picture and produce it as evidence to the Chief Security Officer/Registrar, especially if one has been spotted in the open space or in office without a mask. Those found violating or potentially causing harm to self and others shall be penalized to pay fine or expelled for a certain amount of time from the campus. Strong disciplinary action, including suspension and/or monetary penalty shall be levied on the teaching and non-teaching employees appropriately for the violation.
Besides, all the stakeholders are urged upon to act as volunteers and report such violations to the administration to maintain decorum at this critical juncture to contain the infection and make the campus a place to live safely during the pandemic time.
Thanking you in anticipation of your fullest cooperation.