The International workshop on ‘Sustainable Human Resource Management (HRM), a current trend in HRM’ was conducted by a group of scholars working in the area of sustainable HRM across the world, on 9th August, 2019, as part of the Annual conference of the Academy of Management 2019 at Boston, USA. The group included Prof. Sita Vanka from School of Management studies, University of Hyderabad, India, Prof Susan Jackson of Rutgers University, Prof. Sugumar Mariappanadar of Australian Catholic University, Australia, Prof. Mari from The Netherlands, Prof. Marco from Italy, Dr. Wajda from the University of Michigan, USA and Prof. Christine Parkin Hughes from the UK.

This was in continuation of the International workshop and conference on sustainable HRM which was held at the University of Hyderabad in November, 2018. The workshop was attended by a group of scholars from across the world who were interested in research on the topic and the practitioners as well. The participants were restricted to 50 in the initial screening that was done by the academy. After a panel discussion, Round table discussions were held for the group of participants in topics like sustainable HRM definition, corporate sustainability reporting by companies, sustainable HRM as a paradox, sustainable HRM as a strategy, etc. Interesting debate and discussion lead to the framing of questions/issues like measures for sustainable HRM, tools for sustainable HRM, more open disclosures by companies, solutions to the paradox approach, etc.

The workshop ended with a demand for more such discussions and workshops across the world to spread the message to the researchers and practitioners. The need to publish case studies from the practitioners in different countries on the sustainable HRM for more clarity on the nuances of the concept. Ideas from researchers for their research efforts was also agreed upon for theoretical sophistication.