Three papers by UoH researchers are among the Best Paper Awards in the 57th National & 26th International Conference of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (IAAP) 2022, titled, Relevance of Psychology on Pandemic Condition & It’s Impact on Well-being in the Digital World, organized by Department of Clinical Psychology & Department of Psychology Mizoram University held from 27-29 January 2022.

  1. Dr G. Padmaja, Head of the Centre for Health Psychology, School of Medical Sciences, is awarded with Best Paper for a symposium titled “Cancer care and Concerns”.
  2. Dr Bindu Menon, PhD scholar working with Dr. Padmaja has been awarded the Best Paper for “Psychological States and Coping among Reproductive Cancer Patients: Exploration in the Context of Pandemic” and
  3. Mr. Devaraju Kadari, Field Investigator at the Centre for Health Psychology, UoH has been awarded the Best Paper for “Assessment of self-satisfaction and quality of life among adults with reference to their daily life activities”.

Dr G. Padmaja is the co-author for the papers by Dr. Menon and Mr. Kadari.