The inaugural of the two-day Workshop on “Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Online Courses (OCs): Preparation and Development” organized by the e-Learning Centre, University of Hyderabad (UoH) and E-QUAL Project on March 17, 2017 at Seminar Hall, Centre for Modelling Simulation and Design (CMSD), UoH.


The workshop’s aim is to improve faculty’s understanding and delivery of technology based instrumental methods for classrooms, and on use of specific technology products to support collaborative, international and interactive learning. The participants will also be introduced to licensing and copyrights & IPR issues also. This training will be complemented by sessions on assessment. There will be slight flexibility in the depth and length of training as it depends on the needs analysis of skills of the participants. About 40 teachers participated from UoH.


University of Hyderabad has adopted Online Education Policy of the University on the lines of MHRD and UGC Guidelines to develop Online Courses through Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM). After the workshop the faculty is expected to come up with the proposals of Online Courses which will be developed in e-Learning Centre.

The training is being conducted by Prof. Stylianos Hatzipanagos, Prof. Maria Fragkaki from King’s College, London; Dr. Pradeep Kaul, MHRD and Ms. Parul Gupta, British Council.