“One forum, exchange of a billion ideas.” Carrying this motto, Junior Science Club (JSC) and SHAPE your Thought (SyT), both student clubs at College for Integrated Studies (CIS), jointly organized a student research symposium – Coherence 2015 in the University of Hyderabad (UoH) on 16-17 October 2015.
Students presented their summer projects carried out in several institutions all over the world in the symposium. Prof. Appa Rao, Vice-Chancellor of the university, was the chief guest of the inaugural ceremony with Prof. B.P. Sanjay, Director of CIS, inaugurating the event at the C V Raman Auditorium, UOH. Prof. Appa Rao gave away the prizes to the winners of the competitions like Quiz, Extempore, Treasure hunt, etc. held earlier.
This was followed by the presentation of the speakers– 14 in all- wherein each of them availed 15 minutes to present his/her work, followed by a 5 minute discussion session. Ranging from the mind-boggling and intriguing concepts of physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology to the exciting and thought- provoking subjects of political sciences, anthropology, sociology and economics, Coherence aims to bring together various disciplines of study and provides a platform to students of both masters and integrated masters to present their work and share experience of their summer/winter internships.
176 students participated in the symposium and benefitted from it. Apart from the students, many faculty members too, attended the event every now and then. Prof. Seshubai from the School of Physics gave away certificates for all the speakers at the end.
Coherence was started in 2013 under the supervision of Dr. K.P.N Murthy, the former Director of CIS. The objective of Coherence is to help students gain skills needed for research. It also helps students develop soft skills as they get to organize their work, write up an abstract of it and present it. This way, not only do the speakers benefit but the new entrants also get an amazing exposure to research and inspiration to dedicate themselves to their topics of interest.
This year the presentations were made by the following students:
Sruthi Peesapati 4th Year, IMSc Chemical Sciences Title: Mesoporous Materials
Garima Goel 2nd Year, M.A Political Science Title: Advertising Modernity: 2 Calendar posters of 1930s Shanghai
B.R. Ashwin Kumar 5th Year, IMSc Chemical Science, Title: Biochemical studies of DNA glycosylase AlkC
Sowjanya Kolla 5th Year, I.M.A Economics, Title: Internship at NABARD
Eeshan Hasan 3rd Year, IMSc Mathematics, Title: Solving the Schrodinger equation
Vandana Rathore 2nd Year, MA Economics, Title: From Rhetoric to Reality: A framework for designing agriculture extension service for India
Kiran Kolluru 3rd Year, IMSc Physics, Title: Solar cells and Photoluminescence
Sama Arun Kumar Reddy 2nd Year, M.A Anthropology, Title: Role of Religion in Community Capacity Building
Faiz Imam 2nd Year, MSc Mathematics, Title: Why Math isn‘t so fascinating for everyone
Sushanth Raniwala 3rd Year, IMSc Physics, Title: Radiation-Hard detectors for future Colliders
Greeshma Greeshmam 4th Year, IMA Political Science, Title: Mahatma Ayyankali and radical practices
Sana Fathima 4th year, IMA Political Science, Title: People’s participation in devolpmental programs: An ethnographic study in Koppanagar village
Ananth and Vidyesh 2nd Year, IMSc Chemical Sciences, Title: Experiences at Asian Science Camp 2015