The whole world is passing through difficult times. India in specific is under the grip of fear. Every day now, we hear about speedy spread of the second wave of COVID-19. News is spread through several sources of information such as television, social media, newspapers, family and friends and other sources. During these testing times it is not uncommon to meet with individuals undergoing some emotions such as fear owing to the uncertainty lurking and insecurity about many things. Some feel anxious, panicky and distressed.

Often the younger generation fears the one state that it abhors to hear about – the need for Social isolation. Circumstances demand self-isolation and social isolation. The new normal comes with several expectations of changed behavior patterns and getting used to change may be uncomfortable to some resulting in emotional and behavioral issues.

In the coming few days, the Counseling Unit of the O/o DSW will post a series of messages for the benefit of Students as well as others in the University community which attempt to facilitate awareness regarding psycho-social issues and support during these testing times.

Day 1 -Message 1: Handling the crisis and the feelings associated with isolation

  1. Keep yourself busy, have a regular schedule
  2. Distract yourself from negative emotions. Check what relaxes you and follow it – listening to music, reading, writing or doing what you could not do all these days for want of time etc.
  3. If you had old hobbies/have hobbies like painting, music etc, go back to them. Rediscover your hobbies.
  4. Eat well and drink plenty of fluids, be physically active. Do simple indoor exercises that will keep you fit.
  5. Follow required etiquette to avoid receiving or spreading infection. Beware of yourself or others while sneezing, coughing, and talking. Never forget to use a mask. Avoid spitting in public places.
  6. Sharing concerns is caring. Be a trusted friend to your fellow students. Understand if someone around you needs advice, or any essentials. Remember to maintain safe distance and protect self and others by following other COVID protocols.
  7. Some students in hostels or some family members at home /neighbors/friends may feel confused, lost and need help. Offer them whatever help you can but without forgetting the safety precautions.
  8. Feel responsible for self and others.
  9. Knowledge is power. The more aware you are, the less fearful you feel. Make sure to access and believe only the most reliable and authentic sources of information.
  10. Avoid unreliable sensational news or social media posts which may impact your mental state. Do not forward/spread/share any unverified news or information.
  11. Avoid catastrophizing. Do not involve only in discussing who got sick and how bad the situation is. Please also learn about who got well and recovered, what should be done to prevent and protect.
  12. Follow the professional advice- for example the known advice such as hand hygiene and maintaining a physical distance from others.
  13. If you happen to get infected with Corona, remember most people get better. Do not panic. Seek professional care immediately, practice self-isolation and take medications that are advised.

For Psycho-social support, contact University Psychological counsellors on the following numbers:

Dr. Hymavathi – 9515667087

Mr. Subhash –    8008477643