University of Hyderabad alumna Dr. Annapurna Sinha’s book “Community Newspapers in India: Manifestations and Metamorphosis” has been published by Routledge (Taylor & Francis). Dr Annapurna Sinha received her PhD from the Department of Communication in 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Kanchan K. Malik. Currently, she works as a Lecturer in the Communication Program at Bina Nusantara University-International in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Dr. Annapurna Sinha
Her book provides a comprehensive account of community newspapers in India, discussing their reach, practices, management, and influence on communities. Although there are a few books on community radio and participatory videos, community newspapers are not a much-explored field of communication research in India. The book locates community newspapers within the purview of alternative and community media studies. It focuses on the core characteristics of community media, such as access and participation, advocacy, and self-management. With the help of detailed case studies of two established newspapers – Khabar Lahariya and Namaskar, the book highlights the unique aspects of their rhizomatic expansion and the practices for social change. The building blocks of this work are conceptual frameworks of participatory communication; public sphere and counterpublics; community media and community; civil society; multiple literacies and social learning; and print capitalism and globalisation.
The book contributes to the discipline of communication by providing a complete body of work on community newspapers in India. The book will serve media studies, community media studies, and print and online journalism courses. It will be valuable for researchers and scholars in the communication discipline and helpful for community media advocates, practitioners, and journalists. The book will also interest Non-Governmental Organizations and civil society bodies active in the fields of voice, empowerment, and literacy.
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