Deepika Kashyap, PhD Research Scholar in the Department of Communication, S.N School of Arts and Communication, University of Hyderabad (UoH) has been selected to present a paper on  “Internet Folklore and Online Mediated Identity: A Theoretical Approach to Nyishi Identity” in the Prague Visual History and Digital Humanities Conference 2020 at the Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic from January 27th-28th, 2020.

Deepika has been awarded the travel fellowship which will cover her travel, accommodation and a small allowance. Also, her paper is going to be published by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University-Matfyz Press.

Deepika Kashyap is working under the supervision of Dr. P Kennedy, Associate Professor, Communication Department, UoH. Currently she is a visiting PhD fellow at Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu, and working under the guidance of Prof. Ülo Valk.