Dr. Anil Gopi, an alumnus and currently a guest faculty in the Department of Anthropology, School of Social Sciences  has been awarded the prestigious Chief Minister’s Nava Kerala Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Government of Kerala.

Dr. Anil Gopi

Dr. Anil is the sole social anthropologist who received the fellowship and by associating with the Inter University Centre for Social Science Research and Extension, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, he will be doing a project on Human Ecology and Indigenous Knowledge of various tribal communities inhabiting the Western Ghats regions of Kerala during the fellowship.

The State Government has introduced the NKPDF scheme for meeting innovation and development needs of the State by promoting quality research, spanning sectors like social, economic, agriculture, natural and physical sciences and industry, and is facilitated by the Department of Higher Education and the Kerala State Higher Education Council. The total emolument of the fellowship for two years is over Rs.18 Lakhs.