Dr. Madhusudan J. V., Associate Professor and Head at the Department of Education and Education Technology, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad, has been nominated by Honourable Minister of Education as a member of 14th Educational Research and Innovations Committee (ERIC) of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) to advise on planning, identifying and supporting basic research as well as research and innovations in the field of school education and teacher education.

Dr. Madhusudan J. V.
NCERT is an autonomous organisation of the Government of India for assisting and advising the Central and State Governments on policies and programmes for qualitative improvement in school education. One of the principal functions of NCERT has been to undertake, promote and coordinate educational research on various aspects of school education and teacher education. ERIC, a standing committee of NCERT, aims mainly at laying down from time to time priority thrust areas in educational research.
Dr. Madhusudan joined the Department of Education and Education Technology, University of Hyderabad in the year 2018. He is an expert in the areas of Demography of Schooling, Health Education and Sociology of Education.