Mr. Shiva Ram Male, pursuing Ph.D. in Optometry & Vision Sciences at the University of Hyderabad has received the Elsevier-Vision Research Travel Award for presenting his Ph.D. work on Color and emotions in Dravidian culture at the Vision Science Society (VSS) meeting – May 13-18, 2021 at St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.

Vision science society meeting is a prestigious annual meet for optometry and vision science professionals. It is organized annually with international group of physiologists, physicists, geneticists, optometrists, ophthalmologists and vision scientists who have a research interest in the aspects of vision science and Optometry. Due to Covid-19 pandemic it has been converted into a virtual meet.

Mr. Shiva Ram Male

Mr. Shiva Ram is the only Research Scholar to receive this travel grant in Ph.D. category from Indian Universities. Every year VSS receive 1500 to 3000 abstracts submission out of that only top 100 will be considered for presenting in the meeting. The abstract presented by the scholar in this international conference will be published in the prestigious Journal of Vision –ARVO (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology) in upcoming issues in 2021.

Shiva Ram is currently working under Prof B.R. Shamanna, School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad and Prof Chakravarthy Bhagvati, Dean, SCIS, University of Hyderabad and previously by Late. Dr. Rishi Bhardwaj, Assistant Professor, School of Medical science, University of Hyderabad (2018-2020).  This project was also collaborated by Senior Faculty member PF Optometry Dr. Baskar Theagarayan, University of Huddersfield, UK.

The aim of this Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society is to encompass the field of vision science. This field draws on a range of disciplines, including visual psychophysics, visual neuroscience, computational vision and visual cognition; our central goal is to understand how vision works and is used. The meeting showcases presentations that advance this aim. We congratulate him on this achievement.