The ICC-GSCASH of University of Hyderabad conducted a Gender sensitisation programme on the 27th of October, 2023, for the newly joined PG and PhD students at the Savitribai Phule auditorium. ICC- GSCASH, is a committee that addresses the issues concerning any kind of Gender insensitive and sexual harassment on campus. This year, Prof. Aparna Rayaprol, former Head of Sociology Department was invited as Guest speaker. She presented a talk on ‘Approaches to a safe campus’, which gave insights into and highlighted the lurking issues of Gender insensitivity and sexual harassment. The talk also emphasised on how the responsibility lies on every member of the campus to ensure a safe and thriving environment.

At the beginning, the student representative (PhD) of ICC committee, Subhashini Samuel spoke about ICC and the procedure of filing a complaint, while Dr Shree Gyanmotee, the Convenor of the committee appraised the students of the importance of having a mechanism like ICC and the legal history of the committee’s formation.

The post graduate student’s representative, Hritik Lalan talked about the activities conducted by the committee throughout the year. Students from the Dance Department, under the guidance of Urvashi Mohinani presented a flashmob ‘Unleash’ for the students showing the different shades and forms of Gender harassment and conveying the message that one needs to be sensitive toward one’s own environment and people around. The programme was attended by nearly 350 students.

Earlier, on 20th October, 2023, the ICC conducted two special sessions on Gender Sensitization, for the students of College for Integrated Studies, inviting Dr Asima Jena, and screening short films on the subject.

The details of ICC and procedures involved, was explained by Prof. Rukmarekha, Member ICC and Prof. Anuradha, Presiding Officer. The sessions were moderated by Shipha Minz, undergraduate student representative to ICC, and other student representatives, Subhashini Samuel and Hritik Lalan.