GE Healthcare (GEHC) hosted the GE Healthcare HACK’E’LTH 2023 Hackathon, with the challenge being to create a generative chatbot solution that takes documents from existing user manuals as input and provides contextually relevant responses, ensuring swift and efficient data retrieval, recommendations, and problem-solving.
The winning team with the Dean of SCIS, Prof. Atul Negi

Initially, 180 teams from various institutes across the country presented their prototypes, with only 7 teams making the shortlist. In the final evaluation, a mere 3 teams were selected. After undergoing two rounds of rigorous evaluation and dedicating three weeks to the project, during which they received guidance from GEHC mentors, the “Phantom Nekos” team, consisting of 5th-year Integrated M.Tech students from School of Computer and Information Sciences University of Hyderabad – Vaishnavi Raghavajosyula (19MCME03), Yogesh Surapaneni (19MCME04), Joydip K. Bhattacharyya (19MCME08), and Shivanvitha Ambati (19MCME24)  – emerged as the national champions of the competition.