A Herbal garden was inaugurated by Prof. Appa Rao Podile, Vice Chancellor, University of Hyderabad (UoH) on 12th August, 2020 at the School of Life Sciences. About 250 medicinal plants comprising 60 species possessing various medicinal properties were planted in the garden which include rare and endangered species. The inaugural function was attended by faculty members, officials, researchers of the University.
The Herbal Garden facility is created to support the teaching and research activities relevant to medicinal plants in the School of Life Sciences and will also become a repository centre for the rare and endangered medicinal plants having various health benefits. The Vice Chancellor lauded the efforts of the Dean and the Herbal Garden Development Committee in creating the facility within a short period especially during this pandemic time. The School of Life Sciences envisages to expand the facility and further intensify the research on medicinal plants to explore these resources for treating various health ailments by mobilizing funding from various sources.
This facility is established under the leadership of Prof. S. Dayananda, Dean, School of Life Sciences and under the guidance of Prof. Attipalli R. Reddy, Emeritus Professor, Department of Plant Sciences and former Vice Chancellor, Yogi Vemana University. The herbal garden is also developed under the close supervision of Prof. Sarada D. Tetali, Faculty Coordinator, Herbal Garden Committee and Professor, Department of Plant Sciences, Prof. G. Padmaja, Head, Dept. of Plant Sciences, Shri C.P. Sharma, Retired Senior Horticulturist and other members of the Herbal Garden Development Committee. Dr. A.M. Reddy, Associate Professor, Dept. of Botany, Yogi Vemana University has provided about 25 medicinal plant species and others were procured from Pragati Resorts, Hyderabad.