Shri E S L Narasimhan, Hon’ble Governor of Andhra Pradesh and Chief Rector of University of Hyderabad (UoH) inaugurated the A.P. Science Congress – 2013 on 14th November 2013 at the DST Auditorium. The three–day science congress is being organized by Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences, Hyderabad and the University of Hyderabad. The Focal Theme of this congress is “Innovations in Science and Technology for Emerging Knowledge Society (ISTEKS)”.
Shri Narasimhan in his address said that we all belong to a truly privileged generation who have witnessed seminal changes ushered by progress of science that has touched and bettered every facet of life on earth. He further added that the technological advancements have been truly astonishing and the resultant change is rapid. We are battling new challenges posed by the very forces of progress and trying to come to terms with it, said Hon’ble Governor referring to climate change that is posing a big challenge to the global ecology and habitats. In this hour of crisis that is affecting life on planet, we look forward to science to provide a deeper understanding of which area solutions can be found, added Shri Narasimhan.
Hon’ble Governor referring to India emerging as a player in global economy said that the quality of research and R& D particularly in our Universities and Institutions of higher learning is still a matter of concern. He stated that a small country like South Korea produces more quality Ph.D’s annually than our national output. We all must be in pursuit of excellence and doing science is about integrity and a commitment to an ideal, Shri Narasimhan remarked. Finally he said that occasions like these are important in honouring and recognizing the efforts of brilliant minds and our young scientists to inspire them to scale greater heights.
Shri Narasimhan later released the souvenir of the AP Science Congress 2013.
The other important dignitaries who were present and spoke on the occasion were Prof. Ramakrishna Ramaswamy, VC, UoH; Dr. B Sesikeran, Hon’ble Secretary – AP Akademi of Sciences; Prof. A S Raghavendra, Convenor-APSC-2013; Dr. T Ramasami, Secretary, DST, GoI; Dr. Ch. Mohan Rao, President-AP Akamedi of Sciences and Prof. A R Reddy, Organizing Secretary-AP SC-2013.
The sixth A.P. Science Congress, now being held at University of Hyderabad, has sessions on six major scientific themes, besides Special Sessions and an exclusive one-day event for School Children. Several distinguished Scientists of National and International repute will participate in the deliberations. Close to 600 delegates are participating and more than 500 scientific papers will be presented over a period of three days.
Several national and State level Scientific organizations such as Ministry of Earth Sciences, Dept. of Science& Technology, Council of Scientific &Industrial Research and Research Organizations like Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, National Geophysical Research Institute and Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, National Institute of Animal Biotechnology and Osmania University and Natural Gas Commission are supporting this annual event. The deliberations of the Congress are expected to culminate in generating new and innovative ideas for even greater and more effective science and technology in the service of society.
The Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences, established in the year 1963, is the first State Science Akademi in India. Led by several eminent scholars, the Akademi, even since its inception for the past 50 years, has been playing a key role in the development and popularization of science in Andhra Pradesh. The A.P. Akademi of Sciences has been organizing the “Andhra Pradesh Science Congress (APSC) with the main objective of promoting interaction between and across the scientific community from various disciplines at national and international level, besides popularizing science among teachers and students. The first A.P. Science Congresses, held at Osmania University, Hyderabad in 2008, was followed by those at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati in 2009, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad 2010, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam in 2011 and Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur in 2012.