A book titled “India in the Indian Ocean World: From the Earliest Times to 1800 CE” by Prof. Rila Mukherjee, Professor at the Department of History, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad has been published by the Springer Nature.

Prof. Rila Mukherjee

Prof. Rila Mukherjee’s India in the Indian Ocean World: From the Earliest Times to 1800 CE (Springer Nature 2022) integrates the latest scholarly literature on the entire Indian Ocean region, from East Africa to China. Issues such as India’s history, India’s changing status in the region, and India’s cross-cultural networking over a long period are explored in this book. It is organized in specific themes in thirteen chapters. It incorporates a wealth of research on India’s strategic significance in the Indian Ocean arena throughout history. It enriches the reader’s understanding of the emergence of the Indian Ocean basin as a global arena for cross-cultural networking and nation-building. It discusses issues of trade and commerce, the circulation of ideas, peoples and objects, and social and religious themes, focusing on Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. The book provides a refreshingly different survey of India’s connected history in the Indian Ocean region starting from the archaeological record and ending with the coming of empire.