K. Nireekshan Reddy, an Integrated Masters student at the School of Physics, University of Hyderabad (UoH), was involved in research on the forefront areas of Optics dealing with complete absorption of light by nano-structures. He has demonstrated that the incident laser power can control the prefect absorption process. His findings have been published as four research articles in the prestigious International Journal: Optics Letters.


Nireekshan has also presented his work in an International conference in Capri, Italy, for which he got financial support from Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). We have seen new results in the research relating to the emerging areas of parity-time PT symmetric optics and soon it will result in one more publication in an International Journal, says Nireekshan who is currently engaged in writing a review article on his research on perfect absorption.

Nireekshan completed his schooling from Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ordinance Factory in Medak District and has always been one of the toppers of his class. His interest in the area of Optics made him to opt for UoH for his five-year Integrated Master’s Programme in Physics. Nireekshan says that for pursuing research one needs to be focused and is thankful to have got mentored by Prof. S. Dutta Gupta, a senior optics faculty at the School of Physics. His parents have been instrumental in motivating him to pursue research and at present, he has several invitations from top Institutes in India and abroad for the Ph.D program.

Nireekshan strongly believes that Indian students who are getting trained abroad should try to come back to their country so that they can contribute and share their knowledge.

Nireekshan can be reached on knireekshanreddy@gmail.com