The International Conference “Indo-Turkish Dialogue: Historical, Social and Cultural Perspectives is being organized by the Centre for Study of Foreign Languages at the University of Hyderabad (UoH). Prof. Amitabha Dasgupta, Dean, School of Humanities, UoH welcomed the delegates mentioning that this Conference is need of the hour. The Inaugural session was presided by Prof E. Haribabu, Pro Vice-Chancellor, UoH on 16th October 2014 in the Auditorium, School of Humanities. He mentioned that culture has to be understood in a broader sense applying it to business also. He said that these type of academic interaction would promote academic collaboration between institutions.


Prof Tankut Yalcinoz, Vice-Chancellor, Mevlana University, Turkey appreciated the effort of organizing the Conference. He supported the idea of further strengthening the academic collaboration between University of Hyderabad and Mevlana University. Mr Bilal Acikgoz, President, Indialogue Foundation, India made an over view of Indo-Turkish historical relations. Dr. Indrani Thalukdar, Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi said that ICWA is happy to be associated again with this Conference.

Prof. J. Prabhakara Rao, Head, Centre for Study of Foreign Languages, School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad & Coordinator of the Conference narrated about the goals and objectives of the Conference saying that the main aim of this Conference is to highlight the role and significance of the Turkish language and culture in framing up the foreign policy and also in promoting business and trade between these two countries.

The session ended with Vote of Thanks from Mr Osman Kayaoglu, Indialogue Foundation, Hyderabad.