The “International Conference on Fractional Calculus-2022” was organized by the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Hyderabad during 18 – 19 January 2022.
The inaugural session was held on 18th January 2022. Prof. R. Radha, Dean, School of Mathematics and Statistics, UoH welcomed the President Prof. B. J. Rao, Hon. VC, UoH, Eminent speakers and participants. In his presidential address, Prof. Rao pointed out that Fractional Calculus has immensely enriched Biology in many complex dynamic systems such as diffusion, heat transfer, neural impulses, population dynamics and so on. He assured that this conference will be useful not only for Mathematicians but also non-Mathematicians. Dr. Sachin Bhalekar, Convener of ICFC-2022 gave his remarks on this conference. The session concluded with Dr. Archana Morye proposing words of thanks.
The first talk in this conference was delivered by Prof. Varsha Gejji from Savitribai Phule Pune University. She talked on the new perspectives of Fractional order dynamical systems. The session was chaired by Prof. R. Radha.
Prof. Ramajayam Sahadevan from University of Madras was the second speaker who discussed the analytic methods to time fractional nonlinear partial differential equations. Dr. P. Muthukumar, Gandhigram Rural Institute chaired the session.
In the post-lunch session, Prof. Eva Kaslik from West University of Timisoara, Romania provided the stability analysis of fractional-order systems with Prabhakar derivatives under the chairmanship of Prof. B. Sri Padmavati.
The last talk of first day was by Prof. Hossein Jafari from University of South Africa which was chaired by Prof. P. Balasubramanian, Gandhigram Rural Institute. Prof. Jafari elaborated the numerical study of fractional order population dynamics model.
At the end of first day, there were seven parallel paper presentation sessions chaired by Prof. Dipak Pachpatte, BAM University, Aurangabad; Dr. Amit Prakash, NIT, Kurukshetra; Dr. N. Annapoorani, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore; Dr. Mohan Chintamani, Dr. Nageswara Rao and Dr. Archana Morye, University of Hyderabad. Sixty Two (62) researchers presented their work in these sessions.
The second day of the conference started with a talk by Prof. Vishwesh Vyawahare from RAIT Mumbai. He presented the FPGA Implementation of Special Mathematical Functions used in fractional Calculus. Prof. Subhash Kendre, Savitribai Phule Pune University chaired this session.
Second talk of the day was by Prof. Santanu Saha Ray, National Institute of Technology Rourkela who explained the Analytical and Numerical Methods in Modelling Riesz Fractional Reaction-Diffusion-Mechanics System and Riesz Fractional Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation in Quantum Mechanics. Chair of this session was Dr. Dilip Kumar, University of Kerala.
Prof. Subir Das, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi delivered third talk which was chaired by Dr. Krunal Kachhia, Charotar University of Science and Technology, Gujarat. The topic of his talk was Two-Dimensional Fractional Order Nonlinear Transport Phenomena Problems in Porous Media.
In the afternoon session, Dr. Kishor Kucche, Shivaji University, Kolhapur discussed the Calculus of Generalized Hilfer Fractional Derivatives and Dr. Barani Balan, Central University of Tamil Nadu chaired the session.
The last talk was by Dr. Sachin Bhalekar, University of Hyderabad who discussed the Stability and Dynamics of Complex Order Fractional Difference Equations. The session was chaired by Prof. Prashant Gade, RTM Nagpur University.
In the valedictory session, Prof. Radha welcomed all the participants, speakers and chairs. Prof. Varsha Gejji presided and Prof. Eva Kaslik was the Chief Guest. Dr. Sachin Bhalekar read the report of the conference and few participants shared their feedback. later Prof. Eva Kaslik explained the history of Fractional Calculus. Prof. Varsha Gejji, in her presidential address congratulated the Organizing Committee of ICFC-2022 and the Dean, School of Mathematics and Statistics for organizing such an informative event. Dr. Abhay Soman proposed the words of thanks.
Various aspects of Fractional Calculus including Theory and Applications were covered in the conference immensely benefitting the participants. The financial support for this conference has been provided by IoE, University of Hyderabad.