The 7th International Day of Yoga was celebrated on 21st June 2021 at the University of Hyderabad under the aegis of Physical Education and Sports in association with the NSS unit. The program was well circulated among various social media groups including Facebook and Twitter. The program commenced at 6.00 am with the welcome address by Dr. Rajasekhar K.V, Director of Physical Education and Sports, followed by prayer and invocation.


Today’s speaker Dr. Neeraja Reddy, retired Principal of the Naturopathy and Yoga College, Hyderabad enlightened the participants on how Yoga helps in improving the immunity and thereby improving the disease prevention capacity. This was followed by Ayush Yoga protocol demonstration by the Yoga teachers, Shri Mallikarjun Reddy and Dr. Saritha Devi.

Due to the pandemic protocols this year the program was attended online by the. The program was a success and ended with the vote of the thanks by the Director of Physical Education and Sports.