Professor Nadimpalli Siva Kumar, Senior Professor in Biochemistry Department and Dean, School of Life Sciences delivered a key note lecture in the recently concluded international symposium on Glycoconjugates (Glyco-26) Meeting held at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan between 27th August to 1st September, 2023. Working in the core area of Glycobiology, (towards developing methods to purify biologically important proteins such as the plant and animal lectins/glycosidases, analysing their biochemical and biophysical properties, structure-function relationships to understand their physiological functions). His current work is focused on lysosomal biogenesis using Hydra vulgaris as a cnidarian model system and using Cucurbitaceae seeds to understand the physiological functions of lectins/glycosidases. He delivered the lecture on his recent research work findings from the University of Hyderabad entitled “Glycosyl Hydrolases from the seeds of Cucurbitaceae”, supported by the IoE research grant in the session Asian Community of Glycoscience and Glycotechnology and also co-chaired the session on the 29th August.

Dr. Krishnapati Lakshmi Surekha
His lab members Dr. Mrs. Krishnapati Lakshmi Surekha and Dr. Mrs. Vutharadhi Leela Sivaranjani working as postdocs in IoE project also presented their recent research findings entitled “Lysosomal α-Fucosidase from Hydra vulgaris. Cloning, sequencing and biochemical characterization reveals its relatedness to the human enzyme” and “A Novel Alpha-Galactosidase from Momordica Charantia (bitter gourd) Seeds – Lectin-affinity Purification, Biochemical Characterization and Possible Physiological Functions

Dr. Vutharadhi Leela Sivaranjani
The talks in other sessions included guest session of Society of Glycobiology, two sessions on Asian Community of Glycoscience and Glycotechnology (ACGG), an extra Chemical Glycobiology session, and a pre-symposium public session on the Glycobiology of Viruses to highlight the impact of glycosciences on our understanding of viruses, including coronaviruses. Over 50 invited speakers from over 20 countries in Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America presented their recent and exciting research findings in the meetings. Poster sessions and short oral talks were also part of the program.