Ajay Kumar Koli, PhD Research Scholar in the School of Management Studies at University of Hyderabad (UoH) is a determined man. He and his group of friends want to make the neighbourhood a letter place to live and they have set an example for many to follow. Ajay writes for UoH Herald on his dreams and about Free Service, an NGO which is doing selfless service at the University.

Ajay can be contacted on email: akk@uohyd.ac.in


Free Service is an NGO which aims to make our neighborhood a better place to live. Free Service schedules an event and invites others for voluntary work. All our activities are team work which is done only on weekends by working not more than 2-3 hours a day. This will help us to keep balance between studies and voluntary work.

food court garden-1

We as a group of friends had collected, from members of University of Hyderabad, a donation of Rs. 44,500-/ for PM National Relief Fund for Uttarakhand Flood Relief. I thought to carry on the work by establishing an online facebook page (Free Service – https://www.facebook.com/freeservicecommunity) on August 31, 2013 with name “Free Service”. Since then we had done “Make Speed Breakers Visible” by painting 22 speed-breakers. Second we completed “Give Gops a Garden” by contributing 567 voluntary working hours from members of UoH.

spead breaker painting

At present we continue with “Clean Campus Campaign” with a humble request that we should drop our waste in dustbins. Till now we had already collected around 195 kg of plastic waste from the road side of UoH. This campaign will end at the Earth Day Celebrations on April 22, 2014 (http://uohherald.commuoh.in/earth-day-to-be-celebrated/).

clean campus campaign clean campus campaign2

In Free Service many members of UoH has contributed to complete the tasks assigned. Still some students who were really consistent in their participation are: Smit Kumar (M.A. School of Economics); Bhanu Pratap Sing (PhD student, School of Chemistry), Debabrot Borgohain (M.Tech, School of Engineering and Technologies) and Pankaj Singh (PhD student, School of Life Sciences).

I sincerely thank the UoH administration for supporting and keeping trust on Free Service activities in the campus.