Mallikarjuna Thippana, Ph.D. research scholar from the Dept. of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, School of Lifesciences, University of Hyderabad, working under the supervision of Dr. Vaibhav Vindal [supervisor] and Prof. P Manimaran [co-supervisor], School of Physics, UoH, presented a paper titled “Ascertainment of non-coding genes as key molecular players in cervical squamous cell carcinoma through the systems biology approach” at a conference titled “GIW XXXI/ISCB-Asia V 2022 (31st International Conference on Genome Informatics and ISCB Asia V 2022), held at National Cheng-Kung University (NCKU) Tainan, Taiwan from 12-12-2022 to 14-12-2022.

Mallikarjuna Thippana
This annual Asia conference is organized by the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB), a leading professional society for computational biology and bioinformatics. Mallikarjun’s paper discusses the identification of novel long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) molecules that regulate tumor progression in cervical cancer using systems biology approaches. This paper is a part of his doctoral research project that explores integrative computational approaches to identify critical genes associated with cervical squamous cell carcinoma. The conference provided a platform for intense discussions on the latest research in the field of bioinformatics and computational biology.
The keynote speakers for the conference were Martin Steinegger (Seoul National University), Zhiping Weng (U Mass Medical School), Naomichi Matsumoto (Yokohama City University) and Pao-Yang Chen (Academia Sinica) with participants from across Europe, the US, Japan, Singapore, Australia, and India.
Mallikarjun’s travel for presenting the paper has been funded by the Institution of Eminence (IoE) travel grant scheme.