Shawn Sebastian, an alumnus of the Department of Communication, University of Hyderabad (class of 2014) has been selected as a participant in the 7th International Documentary Master class “Interdoc 2017” that is being held from 17 – 27 August 2017 in the Republic of Serbia, organized by the Independent Film Centre “Filmart”.
IFC Filmart tends to promote young filmmakers and encourage development and production of documentary films with students at film schools and give support to cultural diversity and experience exchange among the students of film academies from around world and within multinational film crews.
78 people from 30 countries are participating in Interdoc masterclass. The camp is carried out with the support of The Ministry of Culture and information, Republic of Serbia, Film Center Serbia, City of Čačak and many partners from the public, independent and business sector.
Congratulations and best wishes to Shawn Sebastian.