Mr. Jitesh Gupta, currently working as a PhD Research Scholar under the guidance of Dr. Roy Karnati, Department of Animal Biology, University of Hyderabad is selected for AWSAR award 2021 for Best Popular Science Stories under PhD Category. The write-up “Cornea on Demand- The Ocular Armed Force” submitted by the scholar will be published in the prestigious DST-AWSAR booklet. He received a cash prize of Rs.10,000/- along with Certificate of appreciation from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Mr. Jitesh Gupta
Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR) is an initiative of Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India that aims to disseminate Indian research stories among the masses in an easy to understand and interesting format to a common man. Under this initiative, PhD Scholars and Post-Doctoral Fellows (PDFs) in Science and Technology (S&T) streams are encouraged to write at least one popular science article during the tenancy of their fellowship, and to participate in a national competition.