AIMS Outstanding Woman Management Researcher Award – 2015 has been given to Prof. Sita Vanka, Professor, School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad (UoH) for her contribution to research. The awards function took place on the 19th December, 2015 at Indus Business Academy, Bengaluru. About 550 delegates attended the four day conference, which was held between 19-22, December, 2015. The awards were given in three categories – Outstanding Researcher, Best Reviewer and Best Paper after a due process of selection by eminent jury.

Association of Indian Management Scholars (AIMS International) is a forum of management scholars across the globe. AIMS tries to unify Indian Management Scholars to foster excellence in education, research, to advance knowledge and to support practices in all business and related disciplines. They conduct annual conferences in India and abroad and give away awards for research and best papers.

Prof. Sita award

Prof. Sita is a senior faculty at the UoH and works in the area of Public Policy, Human Resource Management, Performance Management, Entrepreneurship and Women’s Studies. Recently she was awarded the Silver Medal, for her research at the International Summer School, University of Heidelberg, Germany.