The paperback editions of Department of English faculty at University of Hyderabad (UoH), Prof. Pramod K. Nayar’s books titled English Siege and Prison Writings: From the ‘Black Hole’ to the ‘Mutiny’ and The British Raj: Keywords has been released by Routledge India.
English Siege and Prison Writings brings together an unusual collection of British captivity writings – composed during and after imprisonment and in conditions of siege. Writings from the ‘Mutiny’ of 1857, from Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Burma, and the Indian subcontinent that have rarely been compiled or examined have been brought together in this volume.
The British Raj: Keywords provides literary and cultural texts from the colonial canon where numerous Anglo-Indian colloquialisms, terms and official jargon occurred. It enables us to glean a sense of the Empire’s linguistic and cultural tensions, negotiations and adaptations.
Prof. Pramod K. Nayar teaches courses in Literary Theory, the English Romantics, Postcolonial Literatures and Cultural Studies. His interests lie in English colonial writings on India, Human Rights narratives and Cultural Studies, with a consistent publication record in these areas. Among his most recent books are Brand Postcolonial: ‘Third World’ Texts and the Global, The Extreme in Contemporary Culture, Human Rights and Literature, Bhopal’s Ecological Gothic, The Extreme in Contemporary Culture His work has appeared in journals such as Modern Fiction Studies, South Asian Review, Jl. of Postcolonial Writing, Jl. of Commonwealth Literature, Ariel, Changing English, Jl. of British Studies, Prose Studies, Studies in Travel Writing, Journeys, Biography and other international journals.