Prof. M. Jayananda, Senior Professor and Head, Centre for Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hyderabad (UoH) has been selected to J. C. Bose National Fellowship in recognition of his outstanding contributions in solid earth sciences.

Prof. M. Jayananda

J.C. Bose National Fellowship is Awarded to active scientists in recognition of their outstanding performance.  The Fellowship is scientist specific and very selective. Understanding the origin of our habitable continents of the planet Earth is one of the biggest challenges in the Earth Sciences. The evolution of the continents, oxygenation of oceans and atmosphere, and emergence of biosphere is preserved in oldest rock fragments that are embedded in present day continents across the world. Understanding the early evolution of our planet earth is a prerequisite for predicting future long-time changes in human living conditions and to evaluate the life span of mankind. Research on the early earth dynamics has been one of the major topics of global focus in Earth and Planetary sciences mainly because preserved early crust contains much of the known strategic mineral resources. Furthermore, knowledge accrued from early earth is fundamental to our understanding of the thermal and tectonic history, shift from anoxic to oxygenated environments and emergence of life.
Prof. Jayananda research has significant global impact on the origin of habitable continents, oxygenation of ocean-atmospheric system of early earth, Cenozoic surface dynamics including interplay of climate and tectonics in landscape evolution, topographic built-up along passive continental margin Western Ghats and drainage patterns of rivers.

Prof. M. Jayananda has worked in European, Japanese and Taiwanese laboratories under prestigious Fellowships as well as Invited Professor. He has published highly cited research articles in peer reviewed scholarly high impact journals, assembled and edited special issues of high-ranking Elsevier Journal, organized memorable international conferences and field workshops. He is one of the highly cited authors in solid earth sciences He has also contributed to promotion of science in the developing world, simultaneously contributing to the global earth science community as Editor-in-Chief of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) flagship journal ’Episodes’ 2009-2013, Editor-in-Chief of the Himalayan Geology (2017-), Associate Editor of Journal of Earth System Science (Springer), Regional Editor of Gondwana Research (Elsevier), Editorial board member Journal of Geological Society of India (Springer), Precambrian Research (Elsevier) and Jour Asian Earth Sciences (Elsevier).  For the past several years he is promoting science through participating in IUGS programs (IGCP projects), participating in National Committees, public outreach activities by delivering lectures at different Universities and as a mentor at Government of India flagship science program of Inspire Camps for inspiring high school students through lectures. In view of these outstanding contributions to research, academics, mentoring of students, capacity building and promotion of science through editing/reviewing in the developing world, he has been conferred several awards and elected to the Fellowship of all the three National Science Academies of India which is highest level recognition in science.