The event titled as PSYnthesis was organised on the occasion of World Mental Health Day on 10.10.2023 (Tuesday) by the Centre for Health Psychology, School of Medical sciences, in collaboration with College for Integrated Studies with its student’s club, Shape Your Thought. It centred around the theme for world mental health day this year 2023 – Mental health is the universal right.

The one day event has been organised at the new lecture hall complex of CIS as the venue and the honourable Vice Chancellor Prof BJ Rao garu inaugurated the event. In his inaugural message, Prof Rao emphasized on looking and exploring with in and transcending the thoughts from sub conscious to super conscious level. Prof Geeta Vemuganti, Dean, School of Medical Sciences in her address emphasized on the bio-psychological aspects of health and well-being. Prof Sanjay Subodh, Director, College for Integrated Studies in his address pointed to the importance and need for mental health, especially considering the adolescents and young adults at CIS who face several issues. Prof G. Padmaja, Head, Centre for Health Psychology  in her introduction of the theme threw light on the holistic perspective of health, and need for synthesis of disciplines and applications to promote the holistic health. The inaugural session concluded with vote of thanks by Dr. C.Vanlalhruaii expressing gratitude to the honourable Vice Chancellor, the Director, CIS and the Dean, School of Medical Sciences as well as all the dignitaries, participants and all who supported and helped in organizing the programme and to CIS for the encouragement given for advocating the much needed mental health awareness and support.

The event PSYnthesis included the following programmes

Vichardhara: A stream of positive thoughts where a huge board was placed to pen the thoughts around the mental health day theme. The first message was penned by the honourable Vice chancellor followed by the Director, CIs and Dean, School of Medical Sciences. The board then was filled with positive messages from all participants in the programme and the students.

Sankalp: The students of Centre for Health Psychology attempted to create an awareness of dealing with stress and coping, availability of mental health resources and support services as well as the policies. It also included a section on assessment of Perceived stress, Brief cope to assess the coping patterns, Wellbeing and Optimism. Awareness was created to the participants who took the assessment by the Faculty of Centre for Health Psychology as well as the research scholars based on the results of the assessment about the adaptive coping methods etc.

Manochitran: Invitation of portraits and poetry related to the theme opening a way for the expression through art and poetry, was done as a part of this program. Several entries that were shared by student community in response to the invitation were displayed as a part of this programme. Particpants were also provided an opportunity for their spontaneous art expression by providing them the necessary material during the programme.

Additionally a movie titled Inside Out was screened for interested participants who registered in advance.

Aaraamgha: This programme involved relaxation sessions to the registered participants by Yoga expert Krishna Prasad garu, Several students participated in this session enthusiastically and reported immensely benefitting out of the session.

Manodarpan: This was a special open forum discussion organized by inviting the student community to share their self-reflections and current concerns f involving the participation of Dr Purnima Nagaraja, the renowned Psychiatrist as the expert. In addition to the themesd evolved from the reflections and concerns shared by students in advance, more than 50 queries were shared by the students during the session. All the themes and queries were answered by Dr Purnima in the session packed with student community.

Several students participated in the sessions and the programme witnessed an enthusiastic turnout, and active participation from attendees. The participants eagerly engaged in all the activities, demonstrating a keen interest in mental health related activities and discussion.

The event concluded with closing remarks from the Head, Centre for Health Psychology expressing gratitude towards attendees, volunteers, and speakers for their valuable contributions and the encouragement given to plan and organize the event for mental health awareness and support.