The University of Hyderabad (UoH) has received a record number of 44,224 applications for its various courses for the year 2015-16. Prof. V Krishna, Controller of Examinations says that this year there is a very good response from the applicants and is about 20% more than the last year. The highest number of applications (14,477) has come from the newly formed State of Telangana. UoH is conducting entrance examination at 37 centres, throughout India, he added.
The entrance examinations will be held between 8-Feb-2015 and 14-Feb-2015.
The applicants can download their Hall Tickets from the website: and well in advance.
Out of 44224 applicants, Women – 43.63%, OBC – 26.44%, SC = 17.12%, and ST – 8.54%.
The highest number of applications have been received from Telangana (14,477) followed by Andhra Pradesh (5,951) and rest from all other parts of the country.
Applicants can contact Tel # 23132102, 23132103, 23132444 for any guidance regarding hall ticket downloading.