About 56263 applications were received online for the various courses at the University of Hyderabad (UoH) for the year 2019-20. Last year the number was 52000 plus.

Out of these General category were 39%; OBC are 33%; EWS are 999 applications; SC are 15%; and ST are 9%. Out of these 48% are males; 51% are ladies and 4 applications are under transgenders.

The highest number of applications have been received from Telangana (19183) followed by Kerala (7406), Andhra Pradesh (5684), West Bengal (3666), Orissa (3575) and Uttar Pradesh (3166) etc.

The number of application received course-wise is topped by I.M.Sc. (5-yr Integrated) Sciences (MA/PY/CH/SB/AG) -8063 application followed by M.Sc. Chemistry – 3400, M.Sc. Physics – 3013, I.M.A. (5-yr Integrated) Social Sciences (EC/HS/PS/SL/AN) – 2863, M.A. English – 2368 and M.C.A. – 2345.

The entrance exams will be held from 27th May 2019 to 31st May 2019 at 30 centres across the country. There are 2220 seats being offered for admissions to 120 courses. This includes 16 integrated courses, 42 PG courses, 14 M.Phil, 9 M.Tech and 39 Ph.D. programmes.

The Hall Tickets for the entrance examinations can be downloaded from 20th May 2019.

For more details visit http://acad.uohyd.ac.in/EE19.html

For any further information contact: 040-2313 2444 / 040-2313 2102

e-mail for further enquiries: entrance@uohyd.ernet.in