The ReJudge Project supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through the University of Central Lancashire, UK with the principal Indian partner being the School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad had its key stakeholders meeting on 7 th September afternoon and dissemination of the results meeting on 8 th September 2022.

The project ReJudge is about “Reducing rates of non-medically indicated CS through an Open Access multi-media evidence and behavioural change programme for lawyers and judges”

Prof. B.R.Shamanna as the Indian PI and Mr.Sunny Mannava and Mr.Jirra Karthik; both research scholars; as Indian Co-PI carried out stakeholder interviews, workshops and documentation to be brought to this meeting for discussions over the last 9 months.

The purpose of the stakeholder meeting on 7 th afternoon was:

  • To discuss recommendations for key external stakeholders (service providers, service
    users, managers, policy makers, funders; etc)
  • To consider potential educational tools for the multi-media education package

The purpose of the dissemination meeting on 8 th was:

  • To share the results of the ReJudge project with key personnel in maternity, health
    care, social & behavioural sciences, communication, and the legal profession.
  • To discuss the implications of the findings for future education and practice in India
    in the maternity and legal professions
  • To consider potential educational tools for the planned ReJudge multi-media
    education package
  • To propose possible recommendations for policy makers and those involved in
    maternity care, and in associated legal activities.

Over 75 participants participated in this meeting over the 1.5 days deliberations and key ideas towards research, policy and education were threshed out at the end of the meeting.

The project due to end in October 2022 will provide the partners namely – University of Central Lancashire, UK; University of Hyderabad, India; Dalhousie University, Canada; World Health Organization, Geneva and Sao Paolo University, Brazil plan the next phase for a larger grant and setting up sustainable mechanisms in this area on education, research and policy going forward.

The Dean, SoMSc, Prof Geeta K Vemuganti welcomed the gathering and participated as an important stakeholder in this meeting.

Prof. Soo Downe the Chief Investigator from University of Central Lancashire,UK and Dr.Ana Pilar Betran from WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, attended in person and others made virtual presentations.