Applications are invited from the eligible candidates (Indian nationals only) on a plain paper for the temporary post in the research project entitled “Development of protein nanoparticles delivery system for targeting antiretroviral drugs to HIV infected cells” at the University of Hyderabad (UoH) sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi. The project has been assigned to the Department of Biotechnology in the School of Life Sciences.
The vacancy of Research Associate (one number) initially for a period of one year will compulsorily need candidates with Ph.D In biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ and PhD thesis must be in the area of HIV research. The selected candidate will be paid Rs:22000/-+30% HRA per month.
Applicants should note that the appointments to be made are purely temporary and there is no right for claiming for any regular appointment in the University. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview or at the time of joining the post, if selected. The application should be submitted in plain paper accompanied by attested copies of certificates in support of all information furnished in the application. Last date for receipt of filled-in applications is 17th June 2013 and it must be sent to Prof. Anand K Kondapi, Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Prof. C R Rao Road, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046.