Ms. Runu Mani Das, Research Scholar from the Department of Education and Education Technology, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad under the supervision of Dr. Madhusudan J.V., will be presenting a paper in virtual mode titled “Augmented Reality as a Performance Enhancement Technology in Primary Education: A Systematic Review” at the Third International Conference on Virtual Reality (VR2021) being organized by Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey during 15 – 16 November, 2021.

Ms. Runu Mani Das

Runu Mani Das’s work relates broadly to technology enabled learning. The present work focuses mainly on how Augmented Reality Applications especially in primary education enhances learners’ language skills, alphabet learning, and performance in natural science. Study will also look at how the Augmented Reality Applications enhances motivation, interest, and academic performance of the learner.