Sayantan Lahiri, currently working as a Research Intern in an IoE project presented his paper “Who’s Afraid of Stree: Gender, Humour and Grotesque in Indian Horror Comedies” at the international conference “Fear 2000: Horror Uncaged” hosted at the Centre for Gothic Studies, Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Sayantan’s paper explored how human/monstrous negotiate the concept of boundaries–be it gendered, linguistic or spatial–in the text and finally attempted to formulate a notion of Decolonial Indian Horror Cinema.

Sayantan Lahiri
Sayantan was one of the two Indian speakers at the two day online conference (21-22 July), which hosted more than 50 Gothic Studies scholars across the globe. The paper was cordially accepted by the Global Gothic community who were eager to learn more about Indian vis-a-vis Bollywood cinema. The paper got featured on the “Fear 2000” conference website, and the abstract can be accessed here (by clicking on his name): Speakers H-N – Fear 2000 (
Sayantan is immensely thankful to the Institute of Eminence (IoE) at the University of Hyderabad for fostering world class research facilities and infrastructure at the university. He is currently working as an IoE funded Research Intern at the Department of Sanskrit Studies under the supervision of Prof. JSR Prasad and Dr. Shree Deepa. The research project focuses on establishing decolonial Indian Research Methodologies (IRM) from Sanskrit Texts. After finishing his MA in English Literature (Gold Medalist) from the Department of English, he wishes to pursue research in the areas of Postcolonial Gothic, Indian Writing in English, Posthumanism, Race and Cultural Studies.