An Online Science Communication Workshop was conducted by DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance (India Alliance) for the University of Hyderabad on 10th February 2022. The participants were welcomed by Dr Jyotsna Dhawan, CEO of India Alliance with an introduction to India Alliance and its activities. Prof. Geeta K Vemuganti, School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad inaugurated the workshop and thanked India Alliance for this opportunity.
The session on ‘Research and Ethics in Communication’ was convened by Dr Aritraa Lahiri, Grants Adviser, India Alliance. This was followed by a session on ‘Scientific Writing and Responding to Reviewers’ by Dr Soumya Kanti Kar, Grants Adviser, India Alliance.
The next session on ‘Writing an Effective Grant Proposal’ was delivered by Dr Jayandharan Rao, Senior Fellow of India Alliance, and Professor, IIT Kanpur, Dr. Dibyendu Das, Intermediate Fellow of India Alliance and Assistant Professor, IIT Kanpur, Dr Arjun Ramakrishnan, Intermediate Fellow of India Alliance, and Assistant Professor, IIT Kanpur and Dr Sai Pydi, Assistant Professor from BSBE department, IIT Kanpur.
The deliberations were interactive, and many questions and answers were raised and answered during the workshop. A comprehensive presentation on the grants and opportunities at India Alliance was also presented Dr Reelina Basu, Grants Advisor, India Alliance. The event was hosted by Himashree Bhattacharya, of Science Communications and Public Engagement department at India Alliance and engaged 80 participants.