Bharatanatyam dance recital as part of the Campus Concert Series
As part of the University of Hyderabad Campus Concert Series, the students of Department of Dance, SN School of Arts and Communication presented a Bhartanatyam recital at the DST Auditorium on 18 April 2013. The recital performed by Nitya Seshadri, Priya Raman, Gowripriya, Nimisha and Vidya, all pursuing their final year of study, was presented under the guidance of Shri Pasumarthy Ramalinga Sastry, Associate Professor at the Department of Dance.
The recital began with Ganesha Pancharatnam, a composition of Sri Adishankaracharya. This keertanam describes and praises Lord Ganesha, in all his splendid glory. This Pancharatnam in Raagamaalika, and set to Eka Talam in Tisra Gati. Music composition by Bharata Ratna Smt. M S Subbulakshmi. Next was ‘Utsava Sampradaya Keertanas’ of Tyagaraja, ‘Nagumomu Galaveni’ in Raga Madyamavati and Adi Tala The composition depicts Tyagaraja’s eternal devotion for Rama – considered the Ideal personification of man. The dance interwines different episodes – ‘Sita Swayamwara’ where Rama strings Shiva’s Dhanush to win Sita, Rama as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu when he assumes the form of the Tortoise. Ravana forcibly carrying away Sita and the bird Jatayu’s brave fight and Rama’s act of supporting Sugreeva in his fight against brother Vali.
Later Thillana was presented in Raga Dhanashree set to Adi Tala and a composition of Maharaja Swati Tirunal. A unique Thillana incorporating fast paced syllables and lyric in Hindi, the literature praises Lord Padmanabha the residing deity of Temple of Trissur and invokes his blessings. “Nagumomu Galvani” : Raga Madyamavati, Adi Tala.
Finally Geetopadesam was presented which showcases excerpts taken from the Bhagavadgita a part of the great epic of Mahabharata. Moulded into the shlokam format of Bharatanatyam, this item depicted the essence of the ‘Satvika Abhinaya’ the nine involuntary states of mind such as trembling, change of voice etc through the experience as undergone by Arjuna. When Arjuna watches the plight of all his people on the other side of the battlefield, he questions his fate for having to kill his kith and kin. Upon the divine revelation of Sri Krishna, he resumes his confidence and carries on his duty as a true warrior. Geetopadesham in Raga Malika set to Adi Tala. Music by Pandanallur Srinivasan.
The dancers were wonderfully supported by Sri Pasumarthy Ramalinga Sastry on Nattuvangam; Sri D.S.V Sastry on Vocal; Sri Rajagopalachari on Mridangam; Sri R. Dinakar on Violin and Sri V B S Murali on Flute.