Mr. Shiva Ram, a research scholar in the School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad (UoH) is presenting his PhD work on Colour vision aids for Colour vision deficiency patients: A Systematic Review during 43rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) 2021 which is scheduled from August 22 to 27, 2021.
Mr. Shiva is currently working under Prof B.R. Shamanna, School of Medical Sciences and Prof Chakravarthy Bhagvati, Dean, School of Computer and Information Sciences (SCIS), UoH and previously with Late. Dr. Rishi Bhardwaj, Assistant Professor, School of Medical Sciences, UoH (2018-2020). This project has also been collaborated by Senior Faculty of Optometry, Dr. Baskar Theagarayan, University of Huddersfield, UK. This systematic review is also registered in PROSPERO, which is a systematic review database. The abstract presented by the scholar in this international conference will be published in the prestigious PERCEPTION – Journal in upcoming issues in 2021.
ECVP was first held in 1978. ECVP is an annual meeting devoted to the scientific study of vision, particularly visual perception and multisensory processes related to vision. Recently attracting between 700-900 participants from across Europe, North America, and the Asian-Pacific region, ECVP is now one of the largest international conferences in the field. It is a travelling meeting, moving to a different European location and hosted by a different local organizing committee each year. The goal of the meeting is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of new developments in our understanding of human, animal and machine vision. Empirical, theoretical and applied perspectives are all encouraged and it is organized annually with international group of physiologists, physicists, geneticists, optometrists, ophthalmologists and vision scientists who have a research interest in the aspects of vision science and Perception. Due to Covid-19 pandemic it has shifted to virtual meet.