Message 3 from Office of DSW
We are all caught up in a situation which was unprecedented and fearsome. Every moment seems to add some horrendous news. Several messages from unfiltered sources keep flooding into our tiny instruments and our systems of communication carrying unreliable information causing worry and stress to many. As a result already troubled minds move into further apprehensions and negative states of mind. With a word of caution once again about checking with the trustworthiness of messages, the Counseling unit, O/o DSW shares a few points from psycho-social perspective. These points are shared with an intention of helping the students remain positive during this crisis period.
- Worry about personal health: In the current crisis which has the whole world trembling in its grip, it is not uncommon for any person to have apprehensions regarding health. So long as it does not cross the optimal limit, it does not harm your strength to withstand the crisis. What is required is, to follow necessary precautions strictly as per the instructions from authentic health resources.
- Feeling lonely: Remember that during this social/physical isolation phase, though you/your family remain aloof from the rest of the world, so is the case with the rest of the world. Physically we remain alone but collectively we are fighting against the unprecedented crisis situation from every nook and corner of the globe. Being alone and being lonely are not one and the same.
- Isolation:Try to reinterpret the current situation from a different, more positive angle. Psycho-socially we are connected to our near and dear, friends and society through several means virtually though. Communication devices help us make distances feel lesser, make far appear nearer. It is also possible that in seclusion we introspect and look into our goals and dreams, our purpose in life, and help us upgrade ourselves personally or professionally.
- Negative thoughts: looking forward to and imagining a doom soon, worse health and living conditions make worries multiply and reach a boundless state. Understand the negative cycle of worry- hence negative thoughts; and negative thoughts – hence worry. Try to have a relook at the negative thought more rationally. Try to reinterpret it. Think for example about an equal possibility of positive turns in close future too. Avoid reading unauthentic messages and making baseless predictions. Turn away from unfiltered negative information. Being cautious by being in reality helps and not catastrophizing.
- Talk to people: We may not meet others in person. But nothing stops from talking to each other. Be sure of facts before you discuss. Share feelings and thoughts with ‘trusted friends’, near and dear.
- Support each other: It is during times of such crisis that we realize that nothing matters more than compassion. Empathizing with each other, encouraging and motivating each other to handle the present state as well as prevent any problems of health helps. Care and share. Being supportive to each other helps not only the other but you too, to deal with distress.
- Scheduling your time: Take care of food, exercise, studies/work, daily activities and sleep. Design a disciplined routine so that you don’t feel bored, aloof and down.
- Methods to deal with anxiety: When you feel anxious, identify and use the method which helps you best. For some people meditation may help, for some physical exercise, breathing exercises, art forms, taking up challenging tasks, learning new courses, solving puzzles, indoor games, creativity in their own field or hobby etc may help. Enjoy the togetherness with family, beauty of nature and the value of relationships.
- Bounce back with your strengths: Recall your strengths which helped you in times of need. Understand that this is a current and universal set back, and setbacks can be dealt with individually and by collective efforts to bounce back.
- Attend to success stories: Listen to, talk to and read anecdotes of successful people, their experiences and sketches of success. In the present context, success stories of those who emerged safe
- Essence of learning: Learn the lessons from the experience of self and others, be grateful for what we have today. Take self care so that you feel confident about your health and that of others around you.
- Support needy: To the extent that your resources permit, try helping those who need help – not only material help, social and psychological support. Look after yourself; look out for any other that may need your support – information / awareness/psycho social etc.
In summary, understand that ‘you’ play the most important role in handling the fear and anxiety that you face. Identify, analyze and combat the negative thoughts leading to fear/stress/anxiety. Togetherness in thoughts, empathy, and solidarity are most essential to support each other.
For any need of Psycho-social support, our University Psychological Counselors are available to you for tele-counseling on the following numbers:
Dr Hymavathi – 9515667087
Mr Subhash – 8008477643