Mr. S. Bavajan pursuing a Ph.D. program under the supervision of Prof. G. Bhuvaneswara Lakshmi and co-supervision of Dr. Ravula Krishnaiah, Department of Education and Educational Technology, University of Hyderabad is working on the topic “Psycho-Educational Problems of Urdu Medium Students Pursuing Higher Secondary Education in English Medium – A Study of Rayalaseema Region in Andhra Pradesh”.

S. Bavajan

Their article has been published in the Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (AMSJ) Volume 28 Issue 2, 2024 in the ABDC ‘B’ category journal. First author, S Bavajan is Research Scholar, Department of Education & Education Technology, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad. The second author is Uma Shankar Yadav, Research Scholar, at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. The manuscript is entitled ‘Storytelling in English Language Teaching: An Essential Pedagogical Approach in Market of Language’.


Storytelling has been a part of society since the dawn of human communication as a teaching tool. The study aims to explore the relationship between English language teaching and storytelling. This study further explained different types of storytelling methods and explained how storytelling can be used as a teaching tool for English language teaching. Here, considers storytelling as one of the teaching strategies for student learning outcomes and connecting with students. However, educators may have under-emphasized the power of storytelling as an English pedagogy. This study provides recommendations and limitations for implementing storytelling as an English language teaching method.

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