The Department of Urdu at the University of Hyderabad (UoH) is organizing a 3-day International Seminar from 11th to 13th February 2014 on the topic ‘Theoretical Criticism in Urdu: Background and Foreground”.


The inaugural Session was held on 11th February 2014 at the School of Humanities Auditorium, where Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ramakrishna Ramaswamy inaugurated by lighting the lamp. Prof. Panchanan Mohanty, Dean In-charge gave the welcome. This was followed by launch of a book by a research scholar at the hands of the Vice-Chancellor. Prof. Muzaffer Ali Shahmiri, Head, Department of Urdu introduced the guests. Dr. Arshia Jabeen, Coordinator of the seminar presented the aims and objectives of the seminar.


Dr. Iqbal Mirza, Editor, ‘sada’ (London) spoke on the occasion and expressed his happiness over the theme of the seminar.  Likewise, Ms. Uzma Anjum, National University of Modern Languages, Pakistan expressed her gratitude for having been invited to be a part of this event and share her views with the participants. Prof. Mohammad Zaman Azurda, former Head and Dean, Kashmir University, Kashmir also spoke on the occasion.


Prof. Sharib Rudelvi, former chairperson, Centre for Indian languages, JNU, New Delhi delivered the Key Note address. Prof. Sharib Rudelvi is a well-known critic and scholar. In his key note address, he spoke about the development of Urdu criticism from day one till date. Starting from Altaf Hussain Hali, to Dareda, he covered almost all theories of criticism. The key note address was so educative that it covered almost all aspects of Urdu criticism. Prof. Rizwana Moin proposed a vote of thanks.

As part of this seminar, Sham e Afsana was held in the evening under the chairmanship of Padmasri Jeelani Banu where six story writers presented their short stories.

Report given by Department of Urdu, UoH