Smiling faces and excited voices chirped up from the Brahma Kumaris Shanti Sarovar Global Peace auditorium in Gachibowli as 1565 students of the University of Hyderabad were awarded their degrees on the 21st (XXI) convocation held on Tuesday, 1 October 2019.

Awards were given away to 264 Ph.D. scholars and 162 gold medal holders for their academic achievements in various fields. Professor Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India was the distinguished Chief Guest of the event. Justice L. Narasimha Reddy, Chancellor of UoH, Prof. Appa Rao Podile Vice-Chancellor of UoH, Prof. Arun Agarwal, and  Prof. B. Raja shekhar, Pro- Vice-Chancellor’s of UoH, Shri P Sardar Singh, Registrar of UoH and Deans of various schools of studies and other dignitaries were part of the function. The event kick-started with the academic procession to the dais, followed by the Chancellor Justice L. Narasimha Reddy’s message declaring the convocation open.

The Chancellor’s awards for the year 2019 were presented to five young faculty, in recognition of their overall contribution to the University in various spheres including research, teaching and mentoring of students. The awards were given to the following teachers:

Dr. P. Prem Kiran, Associate Professor, ACRHEM, School of Physics

Dr. Perali Ramu Sridhar, Associate Professor, School of Chemistry 

Dr. Nooruddin Khan, Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences.

Dr. A. Bindu Madhava Reddy, Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences

Dr. Baishali Ghosh, Assistant Professor, Department of Fine Arts, SN School of Arts and Communication.  

The University of Hyderabad has from the last year, issued its prestigious Distinguished Alumnus awards. This year’s Distinguished Alumnus Awards were given two alumni, Sri Karihalli Chaitanya, Film Maker, and Theatre Director and to Shri Nalamasu Omkaram, Senior Vice -President and Chief Technical Officer, Applied Materials.

The Significant Achievement Award, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize (SSB)  in the field of  Science and Technology, 2019 was awarded to Dr. Mohammad Javed Ali, L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad.

This year’s convocation marked the University of Hyderabad’s entry into issuing digital certificates from National Academic Depository (NAD) and also this year for the first time, the University initiated the practise of awarding OBC medals to meritorious students.

Prof. Ashutosh Sharma in his Convocation address motivated the graduating students and scholars to well for themselves and the country. He said, “I congratulate all the graduating students on the occasion of the XXI Convocation of the University of Hyderabad. This day marks the dawn of your professional journey. You make your institute, your professors, your parents, your friends and your country, hugely proud of you. Let’s take a moment to appreciate their contributions.”

“There are three major challenges and opportunities in all of foreseeable future: (1) rise of intelligent machines with far reaching and often disruptive impact on every aspect of society; (2) sustainable development; and (3) conversion of knowledge to create new socio-economic opportunities. Only a holistic education can produce the creative minds to address these challenges. I am glad University of Hyderabad is successfully striving to that aim”, said Prof. Sharma.

Dr. Sharma further added, “Today India is addressing the challenge of providing access to higher education along with equity, inclusiveness and excellence. We all need to share the passion and vision to make concerted efforts together to realize this goal. Women and other disadvantaged sections are to be provided a level playing field to secure better opportunities for higher education. They are indeed equal partners in the positive shaping of the future of our society”.

Concluding his address Dr. Sharma advised the graduates, “Don’t confuse success with excellence. Both successes and failures are transitory. It is our sensitivity to the little joys and sorrows of the world around us that makes our journey have any meaning at all”.

In his address to the gathering, Prof. Appa Rao Podile, Vice-Chancellor UoH, commended all the graduates who received their degrees and wished them luck for their bright future. Talking about the achievements of the University of Hyderabad, VC said. “The university has completed 45 years and is rated as one of the top universities in India and is achieving honours and attaining standards that set a bench mark.” Further he applauded the remarkable contribution of faculty members to the institution in their respective genres.

Prof. Appa Rao while addressing the graduates said, “The University of Hyderabad is proud to announce yet another achievement that all academic awards of the University (30,000 approximately) have been uploaded in “National Academic Depository”, as per the directives of the Ministry of Human Resource Development under the initiatives of Digital India Programme of the Govt. of India.  In this convocation, for the first time, we are giving the digitally signed degrees from the NSDL/NAD”. “The linkages between educational institutions and the community need to be strengthened. Sustainable growth can be achieved through a sustainable human resource which we have to build and provide”, he added.

While concluding his report Prof. Appa Rao wished a cheerful commencement to all young and bright futures of the nation and quoted “Mitch Albom” message that “Every ending is a beginning! We just don’t know it at the time.”

The gathering also witnessed the presence of faculty, parents and family members who were there to encourage and applaud the achievement of graduating students.

The event concluded with the National Anthem and then the mood in the auditorium lifted to that of a jovial celebration. The students from different parts of the country floated the auditorium and its premises and were seen happily embracing, congratulating and clicking pictures with each other and their family members. The entire event was live web-streamed through the University Youtube channel.

Contributed by Sreelakshmi Prakash, Department of Communication,UoH

Please find the link of pictures of today’s Convocation.

This is the link to the Convocation Video