It also incidentally marks its 1st Foundation Day
UoH-BioNEST, incubation center set up with the support of Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), celebrated its 1st Foundation day 28th February, 2019 in the premises of the BioNEST. 28th February also happens to be the National Science Day.
Director, TIE-U Prof. G.S. Prasad, Visiting Professor Dr. Yogeswara Rao, and the Project Investigator of BioNEST Prof. P. Reddanna graced the occasion to celebrate it with the incubatees of BioNEST, fellow project investigators of other incubators, all project appraisal committee members and advisory committee members of BioNEST, currently and some prospective incubatees, project investigators of TIDE and TBI. Also, distinguished members from the Tech Mahindra, Startup Accelerator India, and BioRx Venture Advisors Pvt. Ltd. were also present with whom UoH-BioNEST has signed MoUs to accomplish collaborative mutual synergy on various portfolios useful for incubatees including collaborations with information technology, mentoring and finance.
Prof. Reddanna said “scalable science of incubatees is the key to the success of incubator”, and Dr. Yogeswara Rao has set larger vision of UoH-BioNEST, and, role of incubators in India’s entrepreneurship culture, while Prof. Prasad suggested the internal collaborations among incubators, and external services which help the incubatees. The project investigators of TBI and TIDE (Prof. Lalitha Guruprasad, and Prof. Rajaram) gave their best wishes to the BioNEST on its 1st anniversary and extended their mutual cooperation.
Many other speakers including Dr. Uday Saxena, Mr. Vishal Gandhi, Dr. Ratnakar Palakodeti gave their accounts of successful interactions within the BioNEST at UoH. The meeting ended with felicitation to the distinguished members followed by high tea.
On this occasion an MoU was signed between BioRx Venture Advisors and BioNEST incubation centre. Another agreement between ALGEN Biotech Pvt. Ltd and BioNEST was also signed for providing incubation facilities. This company will focus on Algel based biopharmaceuticals.