The results of the elections held for the Students’ Union of the University of Hyderabad (UoH) for the year 2022-23 have been announced. After a day-long process of counting the votes polled on 24 February, 2023, the results were announced on 25 February 2023 late night that saw intense competition among the candidates who contested the elections for the different posts.

More than 5300 students were eligible to vote and more than 76% polling took place.

The results of the elections are as follows:

President’s post

Won by Prajwal Gaikwad securing 1838 votes.

Vice-President’s post

Won by Pruthvi Sai securing 1860 votes.

General Secretary’s post

Won by Kripa Maria George securing 2076  votes.

Joint Secretary

Won by Kathi Ganesh securing   1678 votes.

Cultural secretary

Won by Likhith Kumar securing 1789  votes.

Sports secretary

Won by   CH  Jayaraj securing  1644 votes.

ICC (GS-Cash) Integrated

Won by Shipha Minz by securing 351 votes

ICC (GS-Cash) PG

Won by Hritik Laxman Lalan by securing 987 votes

ICC (GS-CASH) Research

Won by Subashini S.S by securing 468 votes

From Left to Right:

Hrithik Laxman Lalan, Shipha Minz, Likhith Kumar, Pruthvi Sai, Prajwal Gaikwad, Kripa Maria George, Kathi Ganesh, C H Jayaraj, Subhashini S.S.


Congratulations and best wishes to the newly elected Students’ Union members and ICC (GS-CASH) members.