The School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad, (UoH) is organizing a course structured as a workshop entitled “Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis” between 05 and 07 February 2018 for the benefit of research scholars, junior faculty and researchers from University of Hyderabad and other institutions and organizations from Hyderabad and across the country. About 45 participants are participating

The course will help participants in identifying, appraising and synthesizing information for making policy, program and practice decisions based on careful analyses and syntheses of multiple studies. This course presents the scientific principles, methods, analysis, and reporting standards that guide the process of conducting systematic reviews and meta- analysis in mainly social sciences. In addition, the group will be introduced to the process of registering titles and protocols, and conducting reviews with the Campbell Collaboration, and work in groups to produce titles for registration.

This course structured as a workshop will use lectures, discussions, group and computer exercises and will be instructed by Ashrita Saran, Evidence Synthesis Specialist, Campbell Collaboration; and Denny John, Evidence Synthesis Specialist, Campbell Collaboration.

Prof. P. Prakash Babu, Pro Vice-Chancellor-2 and the Dean i/C, School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad inaugurated the workshop, welcomed the gathering, and gave an overview of the importance of why this course is important in today’s context.

Prof. B.R. Shamanna, School of Medical Sciences, is coordinating the course.