Miss Meena – Play tours villages and towns of Andhra Pradesh
The Artists in Residency of Theatre Outreach Unit, Department of Theatre Arts, University of Hyderabad (UoH) has been touring the entire Andhra Pradesh with their performance of the play in Telugu-Miss Meena.
Till now they have completed 60 shows in a span of 100 days covering 50 towns/villages and it has been witnessed by more than fifty thousand people. The artists numbering ten are mostly school / college drop outs and the Outreach Unit brought them to the campus offering a decent fellowship. They have undergone vigorous training for couple of months and as a result of the same the play ‘Miss Meena’ has originated.
The tour started which commenced end of January 2013 shall continue till the end of August 2013 targeting more than 100 shows with a viewership of one lakh audience. The project is supported by Sir Ratan Tata Trust and housed at Golden Threshold office of University of Hyderabad located at Nampally Station Road.