Dr. J.Bheemaiah, Associate Professor, Centre for Comparative Literature, School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad wrote a poem titled ‘A Bosom Friend’.
Background to the poem: It is about a friend. I have recently written this poem with memories of my visit to Professor Jayashanker Telangana State Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, where I happened to meet my PG classmate, the present Controller of Examinations. The way he received moved me to write the poem. The university in terms of its location which is infused with green foliage sprawled across the campus has some parallels for comparison with our University. I felt like penning one poem which can be applicable to any close friend of yours, hence this poem with description.

Dr. J.Bheemaiah
A Bosom Friend
(An Ethereal Experience)
Unpremeditated maiden visit
That happens on a cloudy day
Full of greenery is presented around
Concrete structures that shades my sight
They appeared like the eggs of birds
That rested in the nest.
Flora and fauna that resembles UoH’s
True to agro-research that is done
On sprawling campus viewed by everyone
How tremendous it is to look at
Hugging of my bosom friend, the one
Who conquered the COVID-19
Profusely proffered the warmth I never had
Successfully survived the dreaded virus
Victorious is he in any sense of the term
The second birth it could be for him, in deed
Setting aside his busier schedules in admin
Joy and alacrity that pervade his countenance
To my surprise he joins me hurriedly.
In humility he apologizes which I did not merit
Not for something wrong that went in his office
For the concern he had for me as his friend
As I awaited him right in front of the admin.
His sense got stimulated
With a message I passed on
That I was close to him in wait
He came out running just for me
It was many days since we met.
Many things we were drawn into
From the personal to the official
From the household to the universal
His chat fused with philosophy
That laced with spirituality on and off.
In search of the meaning of life
He played Dayanidhi, the protagonist
I was reminded of Bucchi Babu’s fiction
Chivaraku Migiledi by its title
A Telugu novel enriched with philosophy of life
The Indian Vedantic, a challenging terrain
We were drawn into it with all our delight.
Intermittent emotions that gripped his mind
Physical vibrations that quivered metabolism
Intangible challenges that raged in the heart
Through the chat we were cordoned off.
Antidotes he claimed to have to fight anguish
Throughout our meet that lasted immeasurable time
Humility he displayed, affection he shared
No harsh words in his informal chat
But the only heart he threw open to the world.
As a successful administrator with calibre
I rated him in my heart with no malice
Affectionate adieu with the rare moments
We bade each other after our rare meet.