Prof. K S Krishna, Head, Centre for Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science (CEOAS), School of Physics at the University of Hyderabad (UoH) along with Dr. Mohammed Ismaiel, DST-INSPIRE faculty and researchers from NIO have made findings of an Ancient Ocean floor hidden under Bangladesh. These findings have been published in the latest issue of Current Science.

This News is an outcome of many years of research work carried out at NIO as part of collaboration with ONGC, Dehradun and Rice University, Houston on understanding the tectonic evolution of Bay of Bengal and Bangladesh. The research has continued even after part of the team moved to University Hyderabad (UoH). This enduring research allowed authors to comprehend the scenarios of continental breakups in various styles and geometry of the proto Bay of Bengal, thereby discussing the role of unified Earth processes that led to formation of a most part of the Bangladesh tertiary over ancient ocean floor.
The research work unveiled that oceanic rocks were accredited by seafloor spreading up to Kolkata and towards north up to Rajmahal–Sylhet line, close to Shillong Plateau. In fact, these were primitive oceanic rocks of the Bay of Bengal, but were completely buried under large volumes of terrigenous sediments brought by the Ganges and Brahmaputra river systems from the Himalayas. In the process, the sediments have completely filled the proto Bay of Bengal region and led to forming a new landmass. Presently, this becomes a part of the Bangladesh territory. The presence of continental slivers in global oceans either completely buried under the sediments or surviving as islands were identified earlier, but the existence of oceanic rocks beneath the landmass is identified for the first time which may be a unique case on the planet Earth.